Dehumanization taken to a "greater level"



Dr Siyana Shaffi feels that nowadays individuals tend to forget  that refugees are humans just like us. Some people cannot even begin to understand what they are going through.



Those people went from having a roof above their heads, a bed to sleep in, a warm home, a family, to having nothing and being separated from their loved ones.



So why is it that instead of symphatising with their cause, people tend to feel hatred towards them and blame them for how they have to live their lives.



The mother and humanitarian says: "It makes me angry when people forget that we are all the same." Her interest in promoting human welfare began because of the Jewish Holocaust and dehumanization of a group of people just because they happen to be of a certain background or a certain faith.

When talking about the future Dr Siyana Shaffi says she feels the same urge that she felt towards going to Greece with the cause of the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.



She already made contact with oganisations from there and plans on helping them in one way or another. Siyana says: "My heart wants me to go there and be involved."