Painful memories: People from the other side

of the fence




Dr Siyana Shaffi: a mother, a doctor, a humanitarian and the director of Kitrinos Healthcare, an organisation based  in Greece that provides primary healthcare for thousands of refugees who come from Syria and Iraq.


Dr Shaffi began her work when she first went there as a volunteer, in October 2015. “I had no real concept of what I was entering” she said.


The trip was meant to last for 5 days but that changed once she got there. Oppurtunities arose and everything changed.



Since she was a child, she got to know the cruel part of the world by reading books such as Anne Frank's: “The diary of a young girl”, or watching movies about the Holocaust. Even as a little girl , Siyana knew that was wrong.



Her interest in humanitarian work and her medical background worked hand in hand, and the doctor decided that she could do more than just volunteering.



Siyana’s medical training helped her cope and overcome her emotions. She said: “I feel pain too, I have memories and they can’t always be good ones.”